Recognizing Swimming Excellence and Achievement
Swim Natation Manitoba recognizes swimming excellence and achievement through the monitoring and promotion of athlete records, rankings and results.

Swim Canada provides rankings to inform swimming enthusiasts on where a certain swimmer stands. The system indicates the event name, athlete name, year of birth, club name, time, date of achievement and location that it was obtained.
Swim Canada provides records in the following categories – Canadian senior records, Canadian age group records, World records, Olympic records, and etc. The catalogue indicates the type of record, date last achieved and category.
Swim Natation Manitoba recognizes Manitoba athlete achievement for both short course and long course records.
Manitoba Short Course Records
Girls 11-12 Years Short Course (PDF) ↓
Girls 13-14 Years Short Course (PDF) ↓
Girls 15-17 Years Short Course (PDF) ↓
Senior Female Short Course (PDF) ↓
Boys 11-12 Years Short Course (PDF) ↓
Boys 13-14 Years Short Course (PDF) ↓
Boys 15-17 Years Short Course (PDF) ↓
Senior Male Short Course (PDF) ↓
Manitoba Long Course Records